Storm Bringer




Luminosity Bringer


Before the war left

Server time:
Milky Way
Galaxy Double Drop
Galaxy Double Drop
Galaxy Double Drop

Server Rates

Max. level:200
Skill EXP:x1000
War EXP:x200
Pet EXP:x1000


Users on the site:126
Players online:117


Accounts created:10700
Characters created:17962
Guilds created:305

News and updates

GoldRush Event

26.07.2024 00:00


Hello everyone

The month of August was a special event, on August 16, 1896 the Gold Rush began.

For those of you who dont know what the Gold Rush was I will leave you a small explanation:

"The California Gold Rush was a time period where hundreds of thousands of people move to California between 1948 and 1855, seeking their own fortunes by finding gold."

The seeking of fortunes come on 26.07.2024 to Cabal Galaxy.

During the event period, you will need to find the Silver Tresure and the Gold Bar in dungeons and exchange them into valuable rewards.

The Silver Tresure can be dropped in dungeons at monsters while the Gold Bar can be obtained from Legendary Chest of dungeons, participating in Mission War, doing daily quest and opening the Silver Tresure.

Since the last lottery we made at our anniversary was a massive sucess, we introduced it again, same way as you knew it before. You get fragments every hour, you send them to the indicated character via mail and you are eligible to win a nice reward at the big draw

The event period is for now, undetermined.

Update and Changes

17.07.2024 00:00


Update 17.07.2024
-Increased Labyrinth special chest(accesible with dragon orb from 3 to 4 drops)
-Decreased Dragon Orb price with ecoins from 1000 to 500 ecoins
-Added Dragon Orb ( Acc Bind) to DP store for 750 DP each

Update and Changes

12.07.2024 00:00


Update 12.07.2024
-Balanced the droprate of belt and amulet materials since some people reported that they used to get slightly more amulet ones than belt ones
-Increased the ammount of Belt/Amulet materials from Anniversary Cake from 2 pcs to 3 pcs
-Increased the drop chance of Belt Craft cards 100% from the Anniversary Cake

Update and Changes

05.07.2024 00:00


Update 05.07.2024
-Fixes and enhancements on the client to be able to support our new systems which we will introduce
-Enabled Annviersary Event
-Enabled distribution for online people
-Enabled 30% ecoins promo during the weekend of 05.07.2024 until 08.07.2024 at 10am server time
-50% discount for class changes during the weekend of 05.07.2024 until 08.07.2024 at 10am server time
-updated guild emblems

Bingo Event

14.06.2024 00:00


Time has finally come to unveil our new event BINGO on Cabal Galaxy, the event duration is written in the interactive menu [at the top].

Make proper strategies, play it wise and climb on top of the ladder with this new type of Event unseen before on private servers.

The menu will be avaliable on the bottom right of your screen and you will be able to open only bingo for now since the other things are still in development/testing phase.

The instructions are simple, you have to clear the tasks in order to get the rewards, you will figure out how it works.

Tasks are updated every 5 minutes or everytime you switch channel/relog your character.

The rewards are automatically sent to your **cash inventory** as soon as you complete a task.

There are two bingo boards (Board 1 and Board 2). There is also a possibility for you to either skip the tasksby clicking on them and confirming the action and also a possibility for you toreset the whole progress once you are done in order to be able to redo all the tasks and recieve rewards again.

The Rewards of Bingo Box Board 1 and Bingo Box Board 2 are written in the description of the boxes and they will be a surprise until the first guy reaches it.

Enabled 30% ecoin purchase promo for the weekend[from now until monday morning]

Update and Changes

10.05.2024 00:00


Update 09.05.2024
-Removed Easter Event and all Related things.
-Promo for Ecoin purchase with Dragon Eggs ended
-Easter Exchange tab from Event Girl YUL will stay up until the end of May
-Removed the Cabal Galaxy Daily Quest Ticket[the one for easter event]
-Reworked the EVO fragments from Legendary chest b3f, now they drop more often.
-Enabled the Galaxy Telescope Event
-Added one more Exchange tab at Event Girl YUL [bloody ice]
-Reworked the Craft Card for Easter Earring[3/4] since the easter Event is gone
-Reworked the Droplist of Premium DX[in order to facilitate the new content update]
-Added 5 new belt levels[custom upgrade system]
-Added the new Elina's Amulet[custom obtain system]
-Added Enchant safeguard(Extreme) to dp shop for 2000 dp
-Added Galaxy Telescope in Mission War Cube
-Updated Guild Emblems

New Update Elina's Amulet and Belts +30

10.05.2024 00:00


The new update is here.

Whats new? Elina's Amulet and [EVO]Minesta Belt Upgrade +25 to +30.

First topic: Elina's Amulet

How to obtain?
-The Premium DX dungeons were reworked and they drop now every run either one Elina's Amulet craft material or one Belt Material needed for the Elina's Final Tear.[droplist from dungeon entry reworked aswell] which you will later on use on the Craft Card avaliable at Event Girl YUL- Bloody Ice - Galaxy Exchange Tab to craft Elina's Final Tear
-What is Elina's Final Tear? = The craftable item which you obtain by combining all the materials from DX dungeons.
-Where to find the Formula Card for Elina's Final Tear? Event Girl YUL - Bloody Ice - Galaxy Exchange Tab
-Can Elina's Amulet be crafted? Yes, same principle as Orphidia or Galaxy Amulet
-Can the Elina's Amulet craft be reseted? Yes, transmut it and exchange for a new one, same principle as Orphidia or Galaxy Amulet

Second topic: Belt Upgrades

How to obtain?
-The Premium DX dungeons were reworked and they drop now every run either one Elina's Amulet craft material or one Belt Material needed for the Belt Fragment Left and Right part[droplist from dungeon entry reworked aswell] which you will later on use on the Craft Card
-Where can the craft cards be found? Minesta Belt NPC from Bloody Ice store.
-Where can the stones for Belts be found ? Minesta Belt NPC from Bloody Ice store.

Third Topic: Galaxy Telescope
A new event has came to Cabal Galaxy

-Where is the exchange shop? The Exchange NPC is at Event Girl YUL - Green Despair.
-Where can Galaxy Telescope be looted? Check Droplist section of dungeon entry
-What is the duration of Galaxy Telescope Event? Undetermined, atleast until end of MAY 2024

Best of luck.

Update and Changes

04.05.2024 00:00


Update 04.05.2024
-Rebalanced the classes in TG in order for other classes to be able to compete with force archer[these changes apply only on TG]
-Added one more Double Drop Session Sunday 13:00-15:00 server time

Another week, another update

24.04.2024 00:00


Another week, another update, hope you are feeling well and this update will bring you more joy when playing your favorite server, Cabal Galaxy.

There are some additions and new things which will help you progress at the end of the Easter event faster.

Cabal Galaxy Easter Dragon Egg 2024 now has a chance to drop in Legendary chest of Tier 3 and Tier 4 dungeons[the chance to drop the Dragon Eggs is influenced by the difficulty and overall time spent in clearing the dungeons: shorter dungeons or easier dungeons less chance, for example: DT lowest chance, Secretbase/AMI highest chance]

Daily Quest now can give instead of 1-2-3 Eggs ----> 2-4-6 Eggs

The Event Box - Reborn Token Tier 2 got updated, before it was:

1st token: 100% chance to drop first Reborn Token Tier 2 , it is still 100% chance
2nd token: 50% chance to drop second Reborn Token Tier 2 , it is now 75% chance
3rd token: third token had no chance to drop Reborn Token Tier 2 , it now has a 50% chance

The Event Box - Reborn Token Tier 3 got updated, before it was:

1st token: 100% chance to drop first Reborn Token Tier 3 , it is still 100% chance
2nd token: 50% chance to drop second Reborn Token Tier 3 , it is now 75% chance
3rd token: third token had no chance to drop Reborn Token Tier 3 , it now has a 50% chance

Cabal Galaxy Mystery Box updated with new items [it was outdated]

Added Dungeon reward box Tier 3 to all Tier 4 dungeons

Update and Changes

20.04.2024 00:00


Update 20.04.2024
-Added The new wing exp changes to Holya dungeon on Double Drop channel aswell
-Increased the droprate of Leth tyrant ring in FT2
-Increased the droprate of Awakened Leth Tyrant ring in AFT2
-Increased the droprate of Tempus ring in EOD3